Cullen Gouldsbury
Comes withe the audio CD off the same name where a number of poems are read. (from the original vinyl record)
A delightful anthology of poems about the amusing characters and social life in British Africa during the early 1900s, and about African folklore, on which the author was a recognized authority. Said the Graphic reviewer nearly 70 years ago: "Mr. Gouldsbury has done for South Africa what Lindsay Gordon did for Australia. He writes verse that will hold the Plain Man.".
Known also as "the Kipling of Rhodesia", Gouldsbury's poetry is in turn lyrical, picturesque, breezy, humorous, tender and beautiful. Henry Cullen Gouldsbury entered the service of the British South Africa Company in Southern Rhodesia in 1902, and was transferred to Northern Rhodesia, where he was promoted to Native Commissioner, in 1910. He died during the First World War while acting as liaison officer between the Belgian and British military forces in Uganda. He was 35 years old.
Gouldsbury was a successful novelist (Circe's Garden, and God's Outpost), and author of the classic ethnological work, The Great Plateau of Northern Rhodesia. His verse appeared in numerous periodicals, and was published in anthology form in 1932.
Hardback, good condition.
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